Research and Quality Control
Research and Quality Control

Research and Quality Control

Ensuring optimal quality is an integral component of medicine manufacture. The medicines produced by ABPL go through rigorous quality checks at our Quality Assurance Department. Our QA Department is a modern laboratory where modern infrastructure and scientific expertise are available for employing world class testing methods. The department comprises of physicians and pharmaceutical experts who check the classical organoleptic characteristics.

We strictly adhere to the guidelines issued by WHO (World Health Organization), for Medicinal Plant Materials. Apart from the basic identification requirements, we emphasize on stringent microbiological testing and determine the absence of pesticide residue etc.

Specific tests are carried out for certain materials with specific biological activity. Details of the procedures are covered under major headings such as – determination of Foreign Matter, Sampling, Macroscopy and Microscopy, Thin layer Chromatography, Specific Tests, Pesticide Residues, Ash Values, Extractable Matter, Arsenic and Heavy Metals, Radioactive Contamination and Microbiological Tests. These methods make possible the qualitative characterization and quantitative determination of mixtures of substances.

All our products undergo stringent and highly regulated Quality Control and Quality Assurance Tests. The whole purpose of these tests is to confirm and re-confirm “Quality”, “Efficacy,” “Purity” and “Safety in Use” of our products.