Our Passion
Our Passion

Our Passion

We at Anthias Biopharma (ABPL) are passionate about integrating ancient knowledge with modern science for creating path-breaking and clinically proven natural products for mankind. Today, we are global leaders in the research and development of alternative medicines made from plant derived active compounds - as a natural alternative to toxic medicines.

Most of the commonly prescribed conventional drugs treat only symptoms, not the underlying cause of the disease. That is why in most cases, one needs to take these drugs for life.

Medicines derived from plants possess a long history of use to treat disease from the root and eliminate the cause of disease. Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) and Indian herbal medicine (IHM), which were developed in ancient China, Japan, Korea, and India centuries ago are still influencing modern healthcare. Herbs being used in Traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of various diseases have been in use for more than 3,000 years.

According to WHO estimates, herbal medicines provide primary healthcare to approximately 3.5 to 4 billion people worldwide, and around 85% of traditional medicine involves the use of plant extracts, which may be coined as “modern herbal medicine.”

Mother Nature has gifted us with an enormous wealth of medicinal remedies. It is estimated that approximately 420,000 plant species exist on earth. While the endeavour for drug discovery from herbal medicines is experience driven, it is as overwhelming a task as “looking for a needle in a haystack,”

Our team of botanic and natural therapeutic doctors work with chemists, researchers and scientists who have dedicated their lives to develop innovative plant based medicines that are non-toxic, safe and effective.

We are committed to staying ahead of the curve in understanding nutrient delivery mechanisms in the body and making world-class natural alternative medicines accessible and affordable to every individual around the world.

Herbal medicine as a source of new compounds for drugs is fast becoming a global trend in the pharmaceutical industry.